A superb quality butter. It's the best cultured I have ever used. Highly recommend.
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Buttermaker’s Apprenticeship and Butter Maker tour
It’s an exciting time for butter making in Victoria!
From June 25 to 29, I will be flying off to Madison, Wisconsin, USA to complete the Buttermaker’s Apprenticeship at the Centre of Dairy Research, a department of the University of Wisconsin.
In my head, I have sooo many questions regarding butter making and in Australia, and there really isn’t a course like this that can offer answers.
Much of our butter is made by the larger factories like Fonterra, Bega, Murray Goulburn/Saputo, etc. Not the artisan – handcrafted style that I enjoy making and, in my opinion, offers bigger flavour and creamier consistency when savouring the butter.
The course looks at EVERYTHING butter making!
From styles of butter, cream differences, seasonal issues, churning, sanitising, recipes, issues, and troubleshooting. What more could a budding butter maker want??
The course is over 5 intensive days delivered by Wisconsin’s dairy and butter making trainers including leading butter/dairy experts Bob Bradley.
After the course, I will take the opportunity to enjoy the sights of rural Wisconsin. Wisconsin has 46 licensed butter makers in the state. (Australia alone has far less as a country).
I will be looking forward to visiting some of the popular and not-so-popular but equally successful butter makers. Nordic Creamery is 2 hours from Madison and Mr Bekker handcrafts his butter; Grassland Dairy Products do some great things with butter; and I will visit goat and sheep milk butter makers as well because, in Wisconsin, you can!
Yours in butter,